I’m a private room for five guests. I have one double bed and three single beds. The single beds are reserved for the daredevils as you will have to climb their way up to the vide.
// WARNING the vide has a low ceiling.
While the window in my room does not open, I am on the ground floor gives you direct access to my patio. My bathroom has a shower and a sink. I have a separate toilet.
// Hello I’m a biscuit baker from Haarlem that became a chocolate manufacturer. I opened my first chocolate factory in Haarlem, right next to the river Spaarne. As one of the first I used neon signs here. Did you know chocolate milk has healing qualities? That’s why I put a nurse on my cans of cacao powder. If you take a closer look you will see that the nurse is carrying the exact same can on her tray. This creates a never-ending image. This is called the Droste-effect. The Dutch artist M.C. Escher uses this technique in this work.